Thursday, August 20, 2009

Surgery Day aka Christmas Day

Yesterday was surgery day at Central Baptist Hospital. I called this day Christmas Day because I couldn't wait for it to get here. It was very exciting. I went in to be prepped for surgery and Dr.Tate wastes NO TIME. Within 10 minutes he had already stuck me with three large needles (no anesthetic!) to inject the dye into my lymph nodes. This allowed the dye to spread around my lymph nodes in time for surgery so he could see if there were cancer cells present. I was scheduled for a 10 am surgery. As I looked up on the way into the surgery room it was 9:59 and 58 seconds.
My mom and John heard from Dr. Tate less than 40 minutes later. The surgery was quick and successful. The cancer was NOT in my lymph nodes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I repeat NOT in my lymph nodes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I left the hosiptal in less than an hour, after some careful monitoring of McCauley's heartbeat. I am scheduled to see Dr. Tate next wednesday and by then they will know what type of cancer I had and if I need any further treaments.
Meanwhile flowers have been arriving, clothes for McCauley, and such great cards!!! Thank you everyone. They are all so uplifting and beautiful! Tonight I am going to move all of the flowers out of the bedroom. John snored all night however! I think he was allergic!

1 comment:

  1. Praise God what WONDERFUL news. Will be praying for you. The Twins
