Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Well, John Henry and I just walked out of Central Baptist Hospital. We have two pieces of good news. One, McCauley has a birthday...probably October 7th depending on blood work and if my white cells are high enough to deliver. Two, my cancer is curable.
I had stage 2A cancer. The tumor ended up being about 2cm. It was an aggressive form of cancer and will not respond to hormones. I will be starting chemotherapy soon and radiation after that. I meet with Dr. Metcalf, the oncologist on friday to find out when all of my treatments can begin.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Melissa! Just wanted to say "hi" and that I am thinking about you and saying my prayers. Your strength through this time will make McCauley so proud one day. October 7 is a great birthday. Good luck with everything! Haley (Martin) Dickerson
